🌺 By DeAndra Williams
My true journey with Julie and herbs began back in April 2024, when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I had used some herbs from Julies recommendation previously for aches, pains, heart burn and other issues that popped up, but used them as a “fix” to the current issue, it went a way and I moved on.
However, when diagnosed, Julie’s first action was to say we need to strengthen your body for what is about to come and she dove in head first to come up with recommendations for exactly that. My day started with a combination of 4 tinctures, 3 supplements and a probiotic, along with what felt like gallons of water. This was my daily routine for the weeks leading up to starting chemo. AND IT WORKED! I had already taken my list from Julie of herbs to my oncologist and explained about Julie working with me and his exact words were “your friend has certainly done her homework, she has you on the right path”.
As chemo was added, Julie again, dove into the meds I was to be taking, side effects, what organs were effected, etc and recommended different herbs to aid in the ease of this necessary poison coursing though my veins. We changed some supplements up, focused on what the side effects would be and targeted overall health and mental wellness. Chemo treatments were every 3 weeks and with each one, side effects were maybe different, stronger BUT many were absolutely NON- EXISTANT!!!!
I remember many doctor visits being asked if I needed refills on certain drugs (I had been given 3 prescriptions for nausea and vomiting) and I ALWAYS said, “no, I have not needed them” and the doctors and nurses were shocked. One Nurse asked me how and I told her the herb regimen I had been following and that I have not once taken any prescription I had been given for sickness. WINNING!!!
Throughout the entire ordeal, this is the process Julie followed for me. We talked regularly about how I was feeling, both physically and mentally. She would recommend herbs or make changes to what we were currently doing based on how I was doing. If a new side effect reared its ugly head, she was on top of it. This is how we learned what worked and sometimes what didn’t and we adjusted.
Once nearing end of chemo and heading into surgery, she followed the same steps and researched what was best for this next step, again for overall health and mental wellness, and set up her recommendations. I followed them all and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone! I am not going to say this was not an easy process by any means. I will say, I wholeheartedly believe it was made far easier by the recommendations and work put in by Julie to keep our focus on the body as a whole and treating it the same, while going through cancer treatment.
If you are still reading the recommendation, one of the biggest take aways for me is you have to commit and work the plan. It is not quick. It does not happen over night, but over time. I was not “fixed” quickly, in fact it didn’t “fix” at all, but it built my body and my mind stronger to win the battle! You will have to train your mind that this is not the same as taking a pill and feeling better, it is not that at all. IT’S BETTER, IT LASTS, IT WORKS, IT’S NATURAL and you can do it!
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